miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010


Put in the relative who, which or whose where necessary.
Example: Peter is the boy ____ rides the blue bike.
Answer: Peter is the boy who rides the blue bike.

1) This is the boy __that__ had an accident.
2) Yesterday I saw a car __wich__ was really old.
3) Mandy is the girl ___whose___ I met on Friday.
4) I haven't seen Frank, ___whose__ brother is five, for a long time now.
5) The robber stole the car ___which____ the lady parked in front of the supermarket.
6) This is the man ___whose___ house is on fire.
7) Can I talk to the girl ___who___ is sitting on the bench?
8) The book ___whose__ you gave me is great.
9) She likes hamburgers ___that___ are hot.
10) Bill Clinton, ___who___ was President of the USA, has only one daughter.

EXERCISE 2 Complete the exercise using either, neither, or both

1. I don't like Italian so I don’t really want to go to ___
either___ restaurant.
2. I love ___both___ of my sisters equally!
___Neither___ me nor my brother like mushrooms.

4. I can't choose, so please can I have
___both___ of them?

5. Please will
___both___ you or Philippa buy some milk later?
6. Do ___either___ of you have a black dress I can borrow?
7. ___Neither___ of them want to come with me so I suppose I will have to go by myself.
8. I'm so lucky! I went to ___both___ Spain and Tenerife this year!
9. I don't think England or South Africa will win the world cup this year, ___neither___ of them.
10. I can't decide what to have for dinner. I think
___either___ fish and chips or roast chicken.